Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer affecting the women in Malaysia. Did you know that about one in 19 women in Malaysia risk getting breast cancer? This October, we at Fixie Dust would like to shine some light on Breast Cancer and how it may be closely linked to our daily actions. Many of us often believe or feel that breast cancer only affects women, but less than 1% of all breast cancer cases do develop in men. However, this is something that is very rare as only one in a thousand men will ever be diagnosed with breast cancer.
Being females, we often are excited to explore different skin care and make up products. In some cases, we don’t actually read the ingredients or read up on reviews about the product before purchasing it. STOP doing that. Lots of products out there contain harmful ingredients which will end up doing more harm to you than you’d even realise. When a person uses cosmetics, their skin absorbs the chemicals and these can enter your bloodstream. Certain chemicals can contain ingredients that researchers have linked to serious health concerns such as:
Here are the list of ingredients you should avoid when you buy products especially for your skin:
So ladies, please do your research before buying something, especially if you plan to use it on your face/skin. Your one action could turn your lives the other way around. The best option is to try making your own skincare at home. There are tonnes of tutorials that you could look up online. The other alternative is to look for skincare/makeup brands that only use natural ingredients to make their product. In Malaysia, we have so many new brands that use only natural ingredients. You can checkout brands like Lips Carpenter - not only do they have lip balms made out of natural ingredients, but their ready-made lipsticks and customizable lipsticks are also all naturals. If you love a little more colour to add to your complexion, they also have tinted lip balms. Not only are their products naturally healthy for you, but they also smell super good too! This October, we aim to protect more women from the underlying causes of all these harmful sicknesses. Share this article with all your friends and family - and stay safe guys! XOXO, Your Pixies
Hello, everyone! As promised in the last article we uploaded a couple of weeks back, here are a few things you need to know about Facebook Pixel! We've added links too in case you'd like to do more reading/research. You're welcome. :)
FACEBOOK PIXEL As a brand owner, sometimes it can be a little difficult to know if your ads are working right or being shown to the right people. Putting yourself in the shoes of your customers or rather ‘potential customers’, have you ever found yourself scrolling through Facebook when a really cool ad catches your attention and before you know it, you’re already on their website? Let us introduce you to the Facebook Pixel. Owned by Facebook, the Facebook Pixel is a code that is embedded to your website that links your website visitors’ onsite behavior to their respective Facebook profiles. This allows the social media platform (Facebook/Instagram) to retarget those individuals with the relevant ads that may be of interest to them. The Facebook Pixel works by copying a code that’s given by Facebook and pasting it in the Header section of your website. For you to be able to track the movements on your website, you will need to paste different codes the pages which are relevant. For a brief summary of what Pixel can do, read on. To understand in detail how the Facebook Pixel works, check out this article. INSTALLING PIXEL To have the pixel working the way it should, you will need to download the Pixel App on your desktop. A code will be generated, and this will need to be placed in the header of your website. You can also generate other codes for different pages of your website such as the home page, the page where your products / services are displayed, the payment page and any other pages on your website that you’d like to track the movements of your audience. You can tap on this link to get a detailed tutorial on how to install the pixel on your website. RECEIVE INSIGHTS Once the code has been installed in your website, you will be able to receive insights of the activities happening on your website. You’d be able to see where the traffic is coming in from whether it be Facebook / Instagram ads. This can help you better plan your next ad boost so you know where to maximize your budget. Facebook Pixel can give interesting insights such as devices used, purchase by device type, user information, bounce rates, and revenue (as long as the Pixel is installed correctly). One interesting thing about the Pixel is that it is able to track users through various devices such as their mobile devices, laptops or tabs - so long as they are signed into Facebook across all their devices. ANALYSE BEHAVIOR The Facebook Pixel determines user behavior by what they do in the website such as adding an item to the cart, initiating a purchase, viewing product list and so on. This information is important for you to analyze your audience behavior and your website compatibility to see what can be improved for your potential customers – it could be the shipping fee, the price point, the product itself or the layout of the website could be better improved. Perhaps if these changes were made to your website, it would work better with your audience. CREATE AUDIENCES Facebook Pixel segregates your audience by their ‘’behavior’’ (pages they’ve visited). As such, if you’d like to target those that are interested in your products for an upcoming sale, you can create a ‘’lookalike’’ audience using the Events Manager under your Ad Manager account. You can read about it here. It is through the Facebook Pixel that you are able to create custom or lookalike audiences and create ads that only targets specific audience that would have a stronger interest in your brand. You can read more about it in our previous article. REVIEW EVENTS A Facebook Pixel helps you organise your events effectively. It makes it easier for you to also review your conversion from each event, while allowing you to determine your optimal advertising strategies. If you’ve missed our previous article, do have a read to get a better understanding on Lookalike audiences where we’ve explained to you in detail, (the article is also for beginners who are looking to understand how it all works.) We hope you enjoyed reading this article and find it as beneficial as we did! Stay safe! Xoxo, Your Pixies You’ve used Facebook, but Facebook ads are a completely different thing altogether. The Facebook algorithm has changed so much so that brands need to allocate a bit of spending in Facebook ads alone. There are many different types of ads for different purposes, but that’s a conversation for another day. Today, we will touch a bit on this new-‘ish’ feature called Lookalike Audiences. Simply explained, a lookalike audience is targeting your brand’s target audiences based on a custom audience (people on your email list, your website visitors, Facebook users who engage with a video you post on your Facebook page etc) What happens when you create a lookalike audience is, Facebook helps you find users who have similar attributes to the people who are in your custom audience. How does Facebook know how to do that ? – Well, Facebook sure does know quite a bit about its users. Facebook helps make anonymous data available to advertisers to help them reach their ideal target audiences. Creating lookalike audiences is like using a powerful marketing tool for efficiently finding high-converting users.
OBTAINING DATA FOR YOUR LOOKALIKE AUDIENCE Now that you understand a little about Lookalike audiences, the next important step is getting the data of the audiences. Lookalike audiences are basically formed based on source audience using these data which you will need to upload to Facebook from your database or website data. Here are the possible places you can look:
USING A LOOKALIKE AUDIENCE FOR YOUR BRAND Creating a lookalike audience can help you target people similar to your existing visitors, readers and customers. If you are a brand owner, this is something you should try for your brand, if you’re keen on advertising as precisely as possible whilst maximizing your ROI. Lookalike audiences are a great way to target expansion of your brand in a brand-new global market. Which is why pinpointing a location is an important element you must remember. For instance, if you would like to start branding your product in a different country, consider creating a lookalike audience in that particular country or if you’re not sure where to – you can try countries with emerging markets. With lookalike audiences, you can also closely monitor who the Ad is show to and watch how your selected audience is responding to it. Thanks to Facebook’s targeting features, you’d be able to constantly monitor your Ad performance. Now, if your Ads are working with your targeted audience, it shows you’ve hit your goal – it works! Here’s the golden tip, if your Ad is relevant, your conversion rates will go up – and while this is happening, Facebook will take all of this into account. If Facebook recognizes your Ads are relevant to their audience and the conversion rate is good, Facebook will give you a better Relevance Score, which will bring down the price of your Ads. FIXIE DUST’S TIPS FOR NEWBIES If you’re new to lookalike audiences, don’t worry too much – every skill you pick up is fairly new to you until you master it. Here are a two little tips we’d like to share to make your experience easier:
If you are lost and need a hopeful hand and a sprinkle of Fixie Dust to guide you through, you can always call us, DM us or even drop us an email! Don’t be shy – let’s focus on making your brand shine brighter than ever together! Maybe try and let us know how this worked for you. If you want to track what’s happening with your website, you will need to have something called a Facebook Pixel installed to your Facebook page. Keep a lookout on our next article where we share with you about Pixel. Stay safe. Xoxo, Your Pixies Facebook advertising is one of the most effective ways to promote your products to more than 2.7 billion people across the globe. If you’re a business owner who is new to Facebook marketing, you’ve come to the right place. Facebook marketing has the power to target specific audiences in any niche with their ads. We’re guessing your most common question would probably be if it’s essential for every brand or if it only works for certain brands. Keep reading, we promise we have your answers in this article. An advertising conversion is the goal action taken by a potential customer from your ad campaign. A conversion is when someone interacts with your ad and then makes an online purchase or a call to your business number from their mobile phone, for instance. Let’s begin with the very basics – what are Facebook conversion rates? Simply explained – your brand conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that visit your website or landing page that converts (this is subjective to what you want them to do – it could be making a purchase, or submitting a form or etc.) The average conversion rate on Facebook Ads is around 9.11% across all industries. So, where do you stand? Below is the breakdown of the average conversion rates across all industries in worldwide: Source: Wordstream
So, what exactly is considered a good conversion rate on Facebook? The only way to measure this is to compare the nature of your business to perhaps someone like your competitor or someone in the similar industry as you are. The reason for doing so, is because the type of audience visiting your page and your competitor’s page are looking for the similar item. If their conversion rates are higher than yours, you must start looking at what is allowing their brand to appear better than yours. Perhaps it is the type of promotions they have or it could be something else that you haven’t tried yet for your brand. Therefore, the average conversion rates differ according to industry and a good conversion rate on Facebook is very subjective to the type of industry you’re in. Here’s an easy way to calculate your average Facebook ad conversion rate by yourself : Conversion rate = (conversions (this can be seen on your Facebook ads by the number of clicks on the Ad) / total visitors (This can only be accessed from the website owners) x 100%). How can you identify between a good and a bad conversion rate? This is another common question that always comes up whilst discussing this topic. Now, as we have mentioned earlier, the conversion rates vary depending on your industry, your type of business, what is it you’re selling and the specific conversion action (as mentioned above) you’re tracking. It is important to always remember that a conversion does not necessarily mean that it will transform into a purchase. In conclusion, if you would like to try ad buying on Facebook, you may need to try running a couple of ads before actually finding one that works for your brand. To ensure you don’t go overbudget, Facebook has this really interesting setting whereby you can state your maximum spending for a particular ad. What happens here is, the budget you’ve set for the ad will be utilised in a way that you will not be charged more than your maximum budget allocated. The most important thing to remember while posting an ad on Facebook is to make sure the ad that you post is of excellent quality. Pick something that will be able to draw people to your brand almost immediately. If you’re not sure of what to post and how to put your brand out there, you can always come to Fixie Dust and we will be more than happy to sprinkle a little lucky dust on your brand! Stay safe. Xoxo, Your Pixies Hello there! Welcome back to Fixie Dust. This time around we would like to go with a topic that can be beneficial to all of you. Still RMCO kan, #KitaJagaKita. Based on the recent's update on the COVID status in our country by our Director-General of Health Datuk Noor Hisham, there are still a couple of active clusters around. As we speak, the numbers are at 21 cases from yesterday. We aren’t exactly free from COVID guys, so we just gotta keep doing our part and let’s hope things go back to what it used to be before. Do stay at home as much as you can, here are some pretty cheap #beautyhacks that you can use for your own benefit at home (this goes for the men too!)
1. WAX AWAY! *DISCLAIMER: We haven’t tried this ourselves – takut :P! But if you have, let us know how it went lah. We got this from a site where a blogger has tried this recipe on her own skin with natural ingredients you can get from your kitchen. Here’s everything you need: 2 tsp brown or white granulated sugar 1 tsp honey 1 tsp lemon juice or water Step 1: Add all the above ingredients into a microwave safe bowl and stir, then microwave it for 30-45s - it should be bubbling and turn brown in colour. (Add for another 10 seconds if needed, but you don't want it to burn). Step 2: Let cool and test on your hand first to make sure it's not too hot, you want it to be warm (don’t burn your skin lah – wanna remove your stray hair only not the skin!). Step 3: Make sure to clean your face before waxing with soap and water. Step 4: You can use a stick or anything flat to apply the wax (this blogger used her finger! – also can lah). Step 5: You can use Ice on the area after just to prevent sensitivity and redness. Senang, kan? Try it if you’d like, and let us know if it really works on you! Share this little recipe with your hairy friends, and they’ll be thankful to you for this magic. Blogger video link: 2. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS. Obsessed with fresh and neat manicure? Grab your fav nail polishes and grab a bottle of Vaseline. All you gotta do is to spread the Vaseline all around your nails and paint away! Once you’re done, the Vaseline will help clean up the messy areas around, leaving you with pretty and neat manicure. Here’s another cool tip – look for peel off nail polish for an easy quick change of nail colours to match your #OOTD! (Some of them smell amaaazinggg too). 3. OVERNIGHT MAGIC Your cuticles protect your nails and the skin surrounding it from getting an infection. Not taking proper care of your cuticles can lead to unwanted bacteria and germs from getting inside your nails. Here’s an easy hack to restore your cuticles overnight: Step 1: Soak your fingers for 5 minutes in warm water. Step 2: Push back your cuticles using a toothpick. Step 3: Mix 3 tbsp of lotion with 1 tbsp of olive oil and heat up for 30s. Step 4: Rub the mixture on your cuticles and nail beds. Step 5: Put on some clean socks or gloves on your hands and Sleep. As you sleep, your cuticles will work leaving it soft and moisturized by the time you are awake the next morning. 4. FACIAL CARE Cancel that appointment and make your own facial mask! All you need is some honey, cinnamon and coconut packed with lots of love for your skin. Step 1: Stir one tbsp of honey with ½ tsp of cinnamon and coconut flakes. Step 2: Massage the mixture onto your face. You’re done! This simple and super easy mask is packed with lots of anti-oxidants which will leave your skin feeling softer than a baby’s bum! *wink* 5. BYE BYE DRY HAIR, HELLO HYDRATION Tired of dry, frizzy hair? Try this remedy to enjoy nice hair everyday without having to spend a fortune at your hairdresser! All you need is some honey, and a medium sized avocado and you’re ready to go. Step 1: Mix two tbsp of honey with a medium sized avocado. Step 2: Apply it to dry hair and leave for 20 minutes. That’s it! You can now enjoy your new hair. The moisture from the avocado’s unsaturated oils and honey’s humectant will show it’s effect on your hair sooner than expected. That’s all from us for today. We hope you enjoy those hacks, let us know if you’ve tried any of them! We hope it helps you play your role in staying at home as much as you can. Also, now that it’s August, don’t forget to #MaskOn and carry your sanitizer always. No mask = Heavy saman guys! Let’s all do our parts in successfully escaping COVID19. Take care and #BeSafe. Xoxo, Your Pixies Social media has grown and has now become a huge part of our daily lives. Who can say they haven’t heard of these sites – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube?
People use many different types of social media platforms to connect online for various reasons – it could be that they’re just looking for social networking, to market their products, or they could be looking for a service they would like to engage in. Social media has moved from being individual networking platforms, to one where brands can now use to communicate with consumers. We have broken down the social media interactions and how they could be of benefit. 1.SOCIAL NETWORKS Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn run with the purpose of allowing users to connect with one another. It used to be the place where individuals can connect with people and they may even find a couple of long lost friends. Over the years, brands found it as a perfect place to capture a larger market. With a low initial cost, brands see it as a platform to create awareness. We have seen many small time brands grow this way. This has reduced the usage of traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, and billboards by using a combination of online platforms instead, in this case, social media to reach their audiences. Since then, brands have been analysing and re-strategizing their presence on these platforms to reach and engage with the most people. 2.MEDIA SHARING NETWORKS Media sharing networks include Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat. These platforms allow users to share simple media online – be it a photo or video. They are known as a visual platform because of their sole purpose of sharing media rather than news or statuses? This is how these platforms differ from social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter which are meant for sharing heavier content such as news, statuses and so on. These platforms can help individuals showcase their talent and creativity – if you are an influencer, or if you’re excited to push your businesses to the mass. These different platforms help you achieve different goals. For example, if you are a talented photographer, it would only be a wise choice if you uploaded your work on an Instagram page. However, if you’re an expert in video editing or movie making, upload your work on YouTube and you would be able to reach people from all over the globe if your content is marvellous. The trick is to use the platform that would allow you to showcase your work well. 3.BOOKMARKING & CONTENT CURATION NETWORKS Content curation is an important element when it comes to marketing. Curation means the process of selecting, organizing, and collating. Simply explained, it is when you take the time and effort to plan the topics your audiences love or rather when you actively look out for content that ties to interesting topics and the interest of your audiences. We’re sure almost everyone knows of the existence of Pinterest. An incredible platform to discover, share, save and discuss the new and trending media and content. Pinterest is a life saver if you’re looking to transform your new space at home, or if you’re looking for ideas on how to decorate a cake, or even how to make an event space look pretty. Pinterest is great at boosting the effectiveness of brand awareness, customer engagement and to also boost website traffic. It helps open up new channels for building brand awareness and engaging with new / existing audience or customers online. For instance, to gain more reach, you can create a shared board with a particular brand that interests you. It is a simple way of getting higher reach as these shared boards appear on both yours and the page of that r brand. Whilst you’re in the feel of curating these, you might want to add a mix of your own pins and the particular brand’s pins as it helps you gain higher reach around the web. 4.BLOGGING & PUBLISHING NETWORKS Sites such as Wordpress and Tumblr run with the purpose of publishing writing and are a haven of written content. It allows users to also discover and comment on other users content online or even add on to their writing! It is one of the many ways to boost awareness on your brand and (potentially) increase the engagement on your page too! All you have to do is to try what works for your audience and what doesn’t. So, post the link of your Wordpress / Tumblr article on your social networks, and see the response that you get. Get a gauge on what your audience enjoys and start writing content that suits them. If your audience is more receptive towards fun, easy-going articles, then maybe you should write more of those! Over the years, social media has become a part of our lifestyle. You often find yourself opening your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or the super famous TikTok app every couple of hours just like the amount of times you open your fridge door whenever you’re bored (hehe we are guilty of that too!). It can be tricky to find the right content and combination of platforms that work for you and your brand, but we hope the above gave you some ideas! Let us know what else you would like to hear from us! Stay safe! Xoxo, Your Pixies Hello July! We hope you are keeping well during this RMCO period. Whilst we are all easing back into work (and the kids are FINALLY in school again) and most of all, our economy is recovering – we believe this is the time for you to maximize your marketing and social media game. Social media plays an important role in raising awareness – it is the ‘new’ word of mouth per se – be it for a small start-up business or a well-known business. We all believe in organic growth of social media and here are a few tips for you: KNOWING YOUR AUDIENCE We cannot stress enough of how important it is to know your audience. You need to understand your target market and create your content accordingly. Keep an eye on your page insights to see who are engaging with you and which posts are working for them. This will help you craft future content for your pages which. Remember, it doesn’t always have to be something so serious, it’s okay to post something funny too. The key here is to know your audience and who you are ‘speaking’ to or want to speak to. A major turn off is when a brand gets a little too hard sell on their social media. We need to remember that our aim for our social media platforms is to engage our audience. Yes, they need to know what you sell, but it doesn’t need to be reminded every day! There is a whole article in which Chronicle Republic covered touching on why hard selling does not work on social media. So, take it slow and easy and always, plan your content. YOUR CONTENT When it comes to content – don’t be afraid to explore your own creativity. We are beings whom are obsessed with perfection, take a chill pill and go for that crazy idea – who knows, it could be the next viral thing! Find what works for you and you know you’re on the right track if you are always on the lookout on how to add that extra twist onto your page and posts to ‘wow’ your audience! One thing we would like to highlight is to be careful with content that has an expiry such as promotions – we have dealt with quite a few situations where customers want a specific promotion price outside the promotion period. What can be done is either put the dates in the visual, caption or remove the post once the promotion period has finished (remember your IG highlights too!). POSTING TIMING Get this – you can post 40 times a day and still not reach the engagement or following that you are looking for. You need only one high quality content which will generate a higher organic reach. Apart from knowing your audience and content creation, it also comes down to the best time to post. Posting times do have an influence over the overall post performance. We are sure you want your post to appear in your target audience’s feed while they’re scrolling! According to an analysis done by Sproutsocial, there are different times and days to do your postings, though this may not apply to all pages – it gives us a point to start at. Happy posting and we do hope these few little tips help you. Always remember, keep an eye on your page, see which posts are doing better, keep that thinking cap on and let your creativity flow. We do hope you see the results we have!
Feel free to reach out to us on Fixie Dust if you need a sprinkle of some magic on your brand. Let’s help each other and grow our brands together. Find us on Facebook and Instagram, and drop us a text. We would be happy to help you grow your brand while sharing the same vision as you have. Hurry, if you’d like to enjoy our MCO recovery promotional package deals! Till next time. Xoxo, Your Pixies. With life resuming back to what it used to be before COVID19 hit Malaysia early this year, the roads are now back to being busy, restaurants and outlets slowly reopening, and restarting their businesses. Let’s take the time to reflect back on all our efforts to stop the spreading of COVID19.
We think that the Malaysian government has been handling the entire crisis brilliantly! With proper, strategic planning of the different phases we had to go through, slowly opening up sectors by sectors while observing proper Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) throughout the entire process was a great way to control the spreading of the COVID19 virus while slowly working on the improvement of the economy. Something that we all have to agree on now, that most of us are amongst those affected from the MCO. While some of us are lucky enough to still have our businesses surviving, still have our jobs, some of us who have also lost jobs and their main source of income. Not forgetting, those senior experienced workers who were retrenched from several companies as they had to already start cutting costs looking at the situation of the economy. The government’s initiatives were brilliant, but we wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn't for us, the rakyat too. Give yourselves a pat on your backs for being such obedient citizens. Thank you for bringing us to where we are today. Thank you for constantly using masks whenever you step out, thank you for constantly sanitizing yourselves and the surfaces you touch. Thank you for not travelling unless necessary. Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made not seeing your loved ones during the period where we weren’t allowed to rentas negeri. In the next coming months, let’s join hands together and support one another, support small business and grow your own business. Explore the heights you can reach to recover your business (if it was affected). At Fixie Dust, we’re always ready to help you achieve your goals. Your business goal becomes ours too once we work together. You can always reach out to us should you need further information on what we do. Look us up on Facebook and Instagram and drop us a DM! Stay safe! Xoxo, Your Pixies. Hello everyone! We hope that you've enjoyed our last article on understanding influencers - where we gave you an overview of what influencers are. As promised, in this article we will share with you more on influencer marketing, and doing our part as brand owners to understand the viewpoint of an influencer and to set standards as well as expectations when it comes to engaging them to tell your brand story.
As business owners, the first question that’ll probably pop up in your head is ‘’Quite expensive leh, I promote my brand myself lah, no need waste money’’ or ‘’I pay so much money so they better post what I tell them to post ah.’’ The base of understanding influencer marketing and how it works is something we’ve already explained in part one of this article, you can read them here. Now, if your brand is new and it’s slowly growing, it is a good idea to get a little exposure out there. Your followers may be one of your many target audiences but engaging with an influencer who specializes in your industry or product may be able to reach a wider range of audiences. So, assuming that you have already decided to invest in influencer marketing, the most important step here is to study your chosen influencer. Vet through their profile, see the different brands they’ve worked with, check out their creativity of telling the brand story – too hard sell or natural. All these will give you an overview of what you should expect when the influencer tells your brand story. The next step is to speak to the influencer and see what benefits both parties. For instance, if you are an owner of a beauty line and you want to target young women to purchase items from your brand instead of your competitors, and you have already chosen your influencer. You may find out if she is comfortable being paid an amount of RMxxx + a free product to try on firsthand and in return she can give you xxx postings on Facebook + xxx postings on Instagram + xxx Instagram Stories. Things like these are usually managed further by an agency with an end to end contract between your brand and the influencer (We do it at Fixie Dust too, DM us for more information). 😊 However, one very important thing that all brand owners need to remember is that these influencers have their feed very much planned and curated to fit a certain look and feel that is very much liked by their loyal followers. If you want your brand to soar high, let your influencers do their creativity and generate subtle sales, not posts that appear too hard sell or 'controlled' that lacks the personal touch of these influencers. That’s all for now, we hope this second bit of article helped you understand these influencers a little more. If you ever need a sprinkle of magic from Fixie Dust, you know where to find us! Till next time. ❤️ Xoxo, Your Pixies Here’s a brief and super simple way of understanding influencers : they are people who have gathered a massive and devoted following on social media resulting in a strong online presence. They are also looked at as role models by their strong fan base on social media. The influencer market is an already huge and growing market that many are still unaware of. This article is mainly for those of you who want to learn about influencer marketing, how they work and why you should try them for your business. We’re trying to give you an overview of everything so you understand how and why it is a brilliant idea to explore influencer marketing, therefore this article will be broken down into two portions – this being the first! To begin with, there are different types of influencers representing different brands telling different stories, representing different brands such as lifestyle, beauty, healthcare, food and many many more. Each of these influencers come with their own tag which leads to their respective pricing. Now, you must be wondering how they charge us, how much is ‘expensive lah’ and how much is ‘cheap only lah’? When it comes to influencers pricing, they are further divided into many subs which include nano influencers, micro influencers, macro influencers, and mega influencers. These are the differences you should familiarise yourself with before planning the budget for influencer marketing. Here are the differences: Usually, nano influencers charge a fairly small amount for posting your brand story on their social media accounts. The pricing here can range between RM100 – RM500 and mega influencers can charge you between RM 1,000- RM 15,000 for a couple of postings.
Here are the five most common types of influencers we stumble upon when we work with our brands: 1. Bloggers and Vloggers These type of influencers gain the trust of their audience through the content in their videos. These influencers record and post their content through YouTube, Tiktok and Vimeo slowly engaging their fanbase through their interesting content. 2. Social Media Sensations Known as the social media sensations – these group of influencers initially started off as normal people like you and I. Overtime, they have managed to build their very own fanbase on social media as a result of them sharing their personal lives on social media. They share a glimpse of their everyday lives to their fans, resulting in a trust being built between themselves and their fans. 3.Reality TV Stars These influencers come from those people who participate in reality shows such as masterchef or a local tv drama who have lots of fans watching them star on tv and are curious to learn more about their lives resulting in them following these people on social media. 4.Photographers Photographers often steal the limelight with their breath-taking shots and catchy, quirky captions. They too develop a small fanbase of their own. We hope you enjoyed the first part of our introduction to influencer marketing. Let us know what you think! Stay tuned to our next article which we will tell you how and why you should engage in influencer marketing and if your brand truly need it. Xoxo, Your Pixies |
FixiesWe came up with the whole name when we said we wanted to help 'fix' other's social media problems. And as two females moving into this venture, Fixie Dust seemed to fit the bill! Archives
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